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The International Union of Superiors General - UISG provides a place for female Superiors General to meet in an ecclesial setting.

The International Union of Superiors General was canonically established in 1965, inspired by Vatican Council II, in order to promote deeper collaboration between women’s congregations of Apostolic Religious Life. Currently the UISG is composed of 1903 Superiors General worldwide organized within 36 regional constellations.

The history of the UISG began in 1951, when Pope Pius XII called an extraordinary meeting of Superiors General who had their generalate houses in Rome. The purpose of this meeting was to initiate a national council of religious. As a result of this meeting the sisters based in Rome continued to meet on a regular basis.

The first visible fruit of those encounters was the establishment of Regina Mundi - the Pontifical Institution which allowed Women Religious to study theology in Rome.

The organization that subsequently emerged, called the International Union of Superiors General was officially approved by the Vatican Council on its final day, December 8, 1965. The aim of UISG was to create ways for women religious to be in dialogue with one another, with the Church authorities and with global organizations.

Between March 1st and 12th 1967, 104 Superiors General representing 65 countries gathered in Rome for the first International UISG General Assembly with the theme « The Church View of Religious Life Today ». Since then, the UISG members has held 22 Plenary Assemblies to reflect and discuss together on how the Union can respond best to the signs of the times. Even difficult circumstances, such as the current pandemic, do not prevent this meeting taking place.

Over the years, the Union has continued to grow and develop. Just as in the beginning, we are tireless in looking for ways to enable leaders of religious congregations to be a prophetic voice and witness in the Church and the world.
